Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Heavens Opened Up

There is no better poet than God. Only in his almighty power can some scenarios be created and this no where else is better illustrated than in this evening. At 7:20pm I walked outside my office building to find that it was drizzling. Slow beats of rain were coming from the heavens for the first time in days. I looked to the sky and acknowledged that I knew that this was no great coincidence. I was leaving work not headed for home, not headed to a meeting, not headed to the grocery store. I was leaving work and on my way to dinner with Fresh Rain.

This dinner has been long awaited and postponed. Two weeks of phone calls since our first meeting had past. Tonight was first meant to be a brunch on Sunday but other things made us prolong our meeting. Even today we played phone tag and the time of dinner was pushed back and back again. I wasn’t sure if it were going to happen. But, tonight it was to be and it was.

He was late. I ordered a cocktail somewhat annoyed by his tardiness and began to plot out my things to do list for the rest of the week. Time is precious, I need not waste any. As I sat facing the door, I saw what I remembered to be his outline enter the restaurant. Fresh Rain approached the table and I was taken aback. He looked much better than I recalled. I met him in the wee hours of the morning leaving a popular nightspot and it was very dark. Tonight Fresh Rain was in the light. His smooth dark skin gave way to the thought that onyx was a woman and she had birthed this child. What I also didn’t see in the dark was his physique. Light brings life and attention to many things. Moreover, his smile was as bright as I remember. There was a time when a man with his looks may have intimidated me but because we’ve spent two weeks speaking on the phone I was actually put at ease and sincerely happy that I hadn’t noticed or remembered his good looks in finite detail. I believe then our conversations wouldn’t have taken on the shape and texture they did as we began this discovery phase.

In moments any hint of annoyance withdrew from my mind and body. I was engaged and further I was engaging him in never ending conversation. After ordering and in between bites we just talked and talked and I learned and I believe he did as well. He was late tonight. I learned that is not atypical of him. He is not perfect nor am I. But in this moment, is he wonderful for being who he is, yes he is. Most intriguing about him are his rituals, respect for friendship and genuine and laid back nature. I’ve not said it in ages about any man, but with him I wanted to be the best me. That’s how I know I enjoyed his company. He left it that he enjoyed my time, company and restaurant choice but the next time he would get to choose. I offered that indeed next time the choice is his. We walked out the restaurant. Exchanged departing for words for the evening and he even did what I never expected him to do. He gave me a hug. We went our separate ways until the next time.

En route to the train I called my sister who I had spoken to very briefly last night. When we talked yesterday she said she didn’t want to talk long. She only asked me to pray for her. Tonight I learned that she had broken up with her boyfriend of the past nearly two years. I was reminded by her separation from love of its other side. For everything there is a beginning and an end. No matter how sour or sweet either of them are, they both exist.

No one could be better at this than God.